Expected Expenses
The SGS Financial Need Assessment section serves to calculate your expected resources and expenses for the upcoming academic year. The amounts are calculated based on the number of months entered, for which you expect to be registered in the upcoming academic year.
Financial need is normally demonstrated when a negative or very small positive balance (under $500) appears in the “AVAILABLE RESOURCES” field of the application (e.g., “Total Expected Expenses” is higher than “Total Expected Resources”). Showing a large positive balance in the “AVAILABLE RESOURCES” field will normally not be considered a demonstration of financial need, unless extenuating circumstances are also reported (supporting documentation must be submitted).
Living Expenses
Enter the number of months you expect to be registered for the academic year. Choose which living situation applies to you
(no housing costs or with housing costs) and fill in the appropriate information where necessary.
Example #1: A single student who will be registered for 12 months, does not have children and is living in his/her parent’s home should:
- Choose “Single/Separated/Divorced”
- Choose “No housing costs”
- The amount should auto-calculate
Example #2: A student who will be registered for 12 months, has a partner and 2 children under the age of 12 paying rent should:
- Choose “Partnered”
- Choose "Has housing costs”
- Choose "Yes" in response to the question "Do you have dependent children?"
- Enter “2” under “Number of dependents aged 0-12” to account for the two children
- The amount should auto-calculate
Tuition & Other Fees
As tuition for the upcoming year will not be posted until July, the fees reflected are for the current academic year and is used as an estimate.
If you are an international applicant, the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) cost is already incorporated into the tuition fees amount on the form.
Review the Tuition Fees Schedules at https://studentaccount.utoronto.ca/ for detailed information.
Books & Academic Supplies
Include the total cost of books, photocopying, supplies, equipment, etc. expected for the upcoming year. Provide reasonable academic related expenses. Supporting documentation must be submitted.
Include other necessary expenses you expect to incur (e.g., extended daily commuting costs, prescribed medication not covered by insurance). Supporting documentation (e.g., receipts from current year) must be provided for each item or the amount(s) will be automatically removed from consideration. Do not include Food, Household Supplies, Clothing, Transportation, Phone & Internet expense as they are already taken into account under "living expenses" within the "Monthly Allowable Amounts". The “Monthly Allowable Amounts” are based on allowable claims determined by the Ontario government.
Expected Resources
Government Student Loans/Aid
If you are planning to apply for government student loans from your home country for the upcoming academic year, enter an estimated amount for the upcoming year. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are expected to apply for government student loans from their home province.
Available student line-of-credit / financial institution loan: Only include the amount currently available to you through your student line-of-credit or bank loan.
Include awards/scholarships/fellowships, etc., that have been offered to you and that you have accepted to receive in the upcoming academic year. If you have not been offered any awards for the upcoming year, enter “0”.
Other employment income
Include expected employment income (e.g., work-study, off-campus employment, paid internships).
Funds or Support from family member(s)
Enter any funds or payments provided as support by family or friends, including gifts or loans.
Partner’s Income
If you chose the “Partnered” category under “Expected Expenses”, enter 50% of your partner’s net income (after tax deduction). To calculate, determine your partner’s total annual income amount after taxes are deducted, and divide the amount by 2.
Savings and Investments
Include the total amount of savings or investments you have access to (i.e., bank or investment accounts that you can access relatively easily).
Financial Resources Supporting Documentation
To determine whether you are a dependent and need to attach parental/spousal financial and tax statements:
A dependent is defined as a biological/adopted child, spouse, or common-law partner who is in one of the following situations of dependency:
- under age 22; or
- enrolled continuously at a college, university or other educational institution and dependent substantially on the financial support of the parent, spouse or common-law partner; or
- a person with a disability who has been financially supported substantially by his or her parents and who is unable to be self-supporting because of the disability.